Cloud native with Saiyam — 2022 first edition!
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! May this year brings a lot of happiness and hope we can meet this year in person _/\_
To succeed the only mantra is to do hard work and there are people in the cloud native ecosystem who are ready to help you get the direction. Keeping this thing in mind I created the “DevOps roadmap 2022” aiming to help thousands and make them job-ready. I want more people to take benefit of the free resources available and be part of cloud native community ending up in great jobs! All this just requires dedication and hard work from your side + the will to learn. Nothing else is required and yes ANYONE can learn.
The video has crossed 40k+ views and I also created a GitHub repository where people are sharing their journey and progress, it is so great to see so many people coming together to learn.
I also started an org membership plan that the organizations can join, this plan helps them with various benefits as mentioned on the membership page(though reach out first before purchasing it). I only have 8 slots to fill in and already 3 are taken and 3 are in progress. I got a great response from the companies and they loved the plan.
I did my first keynote for 2021 where I gave a talk on “Kubernetes security tools”. I discussed:
- What is DevSecOps
- 4C’s of security
- Kubernetes security
- CNCF Security landscape
- Falco
- Terrascan
- Kubescape
I also uploaded another video this month — “Certifications, are they worth it?” covering my viewpoint on Certifications and their importance. I covered this topic wrt cloud and Kubernetes certs but it fits all domains.
I will be creating more videos in the coming weeks mostly covering CNCF projects(CNCFMinutes) and a few walkthrough videos just like I did for Kubestr and Portainer.
CKS book update — 1.22
I updated my CKS book which is helpful in preparing for Kubernetes CKS certification to Kubernetes version 1.22. Basically, I re-ran all the scenarios on Kubernetes 1.22 cluster and updated them wherever necessary.
- A new playground for 1.22
- Updated a few scenarios including PodSecurityPolicy
- Kind cluster addition for local practice
- Added to the scenarios where containerd matters and where it will not matter that much
- Colour coding change
- Added images to Falco to make it more clear
This is the major upgrade and is free for people who already purchased in the past, for the rest you can buy the book here.
Katacoda Scenarios
I have been using Katacoda for a long time but now I want to help even more people by creating a few scenarios so that people can run/test things right in the browser and learn/practice quickly.
I have started creating scenarios and created a couple already, let me know what all scenarios you think would be beneficial for the community and I can spend some time from my weekends to create new Katacoda scenarios.
Kubernetes 1.22 + Container scenario
News and Announcements
- Grafana University — a virtual hands-on education platform that’s free and easy to use covering concepts of observability and getting hands-on with Grafana.
- Kubernetes moving away from dockershim — process and timeline for deprecation.
- Civo Kubernetes with Cilium CNI — Now you can create Civo Kubernetes cluster with Cilium as the CNI
- CFP’s are open for KubeCon colocated events
- BumbleBee: Build, Ship, Run eBPF tools
- LitmusChaos becomes a CNCF incubating project
Nice January reads
- Top 10 Linux security tutorials for sysadmins from 2021
- What an SBOM Can Do for You
- Install Kubernetes 1.23, containerd, and Multus CNI the Easy Way
- Working with Kubernetes API — Resources, Kinds, and Objects
- Kubernetes + Postgres Cluster From Scratch on Rocky 8
- Poly Haven — How we handle 80TB and 5M page views a month for under $400
- 5 AI Trends to Watch out for in 2022
- 7 Kubernetes Companies to Watch in 2022
- eBPF for security: a beginner’s guide
- Kubernetes — HTTPS ingress controller with your own TLS certificate
Learning repositories
- Kubernetes client-go examples
- go-internals — it is a work-in-progress book about the internals of the Go (1.10+) programming language.
- Zarf — Kubernetes Air Gap Buddy
- kube_security_lab — Kubernetes Local Security Testing Lab
- dive — A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
Learn from Twitter
Sponsored content
This issue is brought to you by Armo and Teleport ->
ARMO assures DevOps, DevSecOps, and developers that every workload, cluster, container, and microservice is born and remains secure, from development to production and from configuration to run-time, every time. They are the creators of Kubescape.
Teleport empowers engineers to quickly and securely access any computing resource anywhere on the planet. The Access Plane allows engineers and security professionals to unify secure access and provide visibility to infrastructure, applications, and data across all environments.
Latest from them
Security Visionaries 2022 — Come hear what some of the world’s foremost security researchers, practitioners and thinkers see on the security horizon for 2022.
SSH Hardening Tips to Prevent Brute-Force Attacks
SSH Bastion Host Best Practices
My supporters
Thank you to the amazing members -> POP, Rawkode, Marky, Noel, Walid, Cedric , Jack , Blaize D’souza, ChadMCrowell and Phil Shapiro
Special thanks to ARMO for being an Org member and to Teleport for being a platinum member.
Some amazing partnerships coming up that will be announced on Twitter so keep an eye if your org wants to grow the community and support my work then consider becoming a member as it comes with a lot of benefits(membership program)
Do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel
Thank you for reading this edition and hope you like it, let me know if you are doing something great that will benefit the community, I will include that.