Cloud native with Saiyam — 2022 second edition!

Saiyam Pathak
5 min readFeb 1, 2022


Hello people, hope you are doing good and are staying safe from the COVID19. It’s still out there and is really risky so always wear the mask and get vaccinated/boosted.

January has come to an end and It’s ok if you took a long break and have not started 2022 in full force. Sometimes it’s ok to take a break, relax and then come back strong. I see so many people on social media who produce great content every day, who help the community every day and I feel so good that I am in the human first circle of people.

Overall January has been good in terms of my work, learning and community contributions. To summarise I did

I have interacted with many people and also started the DevOps roadmap Discord channel so that I can be with you on this journey while you are learning and getting upskilled.

This month was also good in terms of the response I have received for ORG membership plan — I have onboarded Armosec, Suborbital, Robusta as the new org members and I have SlimAI and Teleport as Platinum members.

There are individual memberships as well if any individual wants to support my work and there are 8 individuals who are already supporting my work.


News and Announcements

These are the announcement in the past 15 days:

Nice January reads(15th — 31st Jan)

Do check out the awesome reads from the community in my previous newsletter as well. Looks like the community has doubled down on creating awesome content!!

Learning resources/repositories

Learn from Twitter

Sponsored content

This issue is brought to you by Robusta, Suborbital, Armo, SlimAI and Teleport ->

ARMO assures DevOps, DevSecOps, and developers that every workload, cluster, container, and microservice is born and remains secure, from development to production and from configuration to run-time, every time. They are the creators of Kubescape.

Robusta — an open source platform for Kubernetes troubleshooting and automation. Robusta automates your incident response and troubleshooting — what Docker did to Day 1, Robusta does to Day 2.

Suborbital Making cloud native WebAssembly easy.

SlimAI — giving developers the power to build better cloud-native applications with less friction, complexity, and waste.

Teleport empowers engineers to quickly and securely access any computing resource anywhere on the planet. The Access Plane allows engineers and security professionals to unify secure access and provide visibility to infrastructure, applications, and data across all environments.

Latest from them

My supporters

Thank you to the amazing members -> Rawkode, Marky, Noel, Walid, Cedric , Jack , Blaize D’souza, ChadMCrowell and Phil Shapiro

Special thanks to ARMO, Suborbital and Robusta for being an Org member and to SlimAI and Teleport for being a platinum member.

Some amazing partnerships coming up that will be announced on Twitter so keep an eye out if your org wants to grow the community and support my work then consider becoming a member as it comes with a lot of benefits(membership program)

Do not forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel

Thank you for reading this edition and hope you like it. Please take a minute to subscribe to the newsletter and let me know if you are doing something great that will benefit the community, I will include that.



Saiyam Pathak
Saiyam Pathak

Written by Saiyam Pathak

l Kubestronaut | CKA | CKAD | Influx ACE | Multi-cloud certified | Rancher Ranch Hands member

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